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Home Health 6 Super Nutrients That Can Help You Lose Weight

6 Super Nutrients That Can Help You Lose Weight

With so many Americans struggling to get into shape, it’s no wonder why people go through diet plan after diet plan to try and slim down. Seemingly, no one plan works universally. That’s because everyone’s health needs are different.

The diet plan that worked for your neighbor may not work for you because your lifestyle and health status may be different. For instance, maybe you smoke nicotine, and your neighbor doesn’t. Or maybe, you have a high-pressure career while your neighbor doesn’t.

All of these lifestyle factors play into your weight loss efforts. However, the good news is that there are a few constants. Diet and exercise are two of them, but going deeper than that, there are certain nutrients you should be consuming if you want to lose a maximum amount of weight (the healthy way).

But why should it matter? Why is losing weight so important in the first place? Being comfortable with the way you look is fantastic. However, obesity can lead to health problems like diabetes, asthma, infertility, and cataracts. This is why it’s so crucial to not only change your lifestyle for the better (cutting out smoking, drinking, and excessive stress) but to also look into the best weight loss supplements and nutrients to consume.

If you are not getting these nutrients and making important lifestyle decisions, your weight loss efforts may only be going in vain. We want to take some time to highlight 6 of the essential nutrients for weight loss.

6 Important Nutrients For Weight Loss

Health Web Magazine has covered many different supplements extensively. But today, we wanted to veer away from that a bit and take a look at some dietary changes that you could make that would benefit your weight loss efforts.

Let’s take a look at 6 essential nutrients for effective weight loss:

1] Fiber

Fiber is an essential nutrient for weight loss because perhaps more than any other type of natural nutrient, it promotes a feeling of fullness. In other words, if you eat fiber-rich foods, you are more likely to be able to stave off food cravings. High-fiber foods may help you control your appetite and, more importantly, your unhealthy food cravings. High-fiber foods include legumes, beans, and potatoes.


2] Iron

Iron has a more indirect effect on weight loss. Instead of helping you feel fuller for longer, iron helps carry oxygen to our muscles and various cells. This effect can increase muscle recovery time and help burn fat more efficiently. Besides all that, iron deficiency can cause serious problems, so it’s an important mineral to make sure you get enough of.

3] Potassium

Potassium is another nutrient that has been linked to weight loss. Although the link may be indirect and poorly understood, studies have shown that people given potassium exhibited more ability to lose body mass than people that were not.

4] Carbs

Yes, carbs are still beneficial for weight loss. You just have to limit your intake. Your body needs carbs for energy, and you need energy to work out and exercise. Long-term weight loss will require some amount of carbs to fuel your body. Good sources of carbs include broccoli, whole fruits, whole grains, and legumes.

5] Protein

Proteins are the most effective nutrients for making you feel fuller for longer. Lean proteins are where it’s at in terms of weight loss. Try to include lead proteins like fish, poultry, eggs, green peas, and nuts with every meal.

6] Fat

Fats contain a lot of the vitamins and fuel that your cells need to power your body. Healthy sources of fat include avocados, nuts, olive oil, and salmon.

About Supplements

Supplements need to be selected very carefully. According to Health Web Magazine, there are weight loss supplements that can help, such as products from K3. However, consult your doctor for recommendations on supplements based on your health status and goals.

Supplements with synthetic stimulants should be avoided. Even supplements with natural stimulants like caffeine anhydrous and synephrine could be dangerous.

Check out a K3 Spark Mineral review or two, as it is a natural supplement devoid of these stimulants. It claims to make losing weight easier.

Just be discerning when you are taking a look at a K3 Spark Mineral review or reviews of any other kind of supplement. Even good reviews don’t necessarily mean that the supplement will be effective for you. Try to choose formulas based on the needs of your diet. For example, if you don’t get a lot of fruit in your diet, choose a supplement that contains a lot of the vitamins and minerals that fruits contain.

Closing Thoughts

Even the best weight loss supplements won’t help much if you aren’t getting the nutrients your body needs to fuel weight loss. Your body needs the energy to lose weight, and these are the nutrients that will provide that energy.

Also, try to make healthy lifestyle choices that will improve your health and make it easier for you to maintain a healthy weight.

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