Why Is Holistic Education in Schools Is So Important


The Learning Policy Institute discovered the benefits of focusing on the whole child. It shouldn’t be strictly about academic achievement. More educators are learning that strict academic education isn’t enough to educate students.

Learning environments that nourish social-emotional skills are important. They create a safe, community environment, and more to help growing brains. When children feel safe and supported, they can even be motivated to engage more with their own education. 

With this in mind, read on to learn about holistic education in our school systems. You’ll also learn why it’s so important for the development of young minds. 

What is Holistic Learning? 

There is no single holistic education definition. Holistic education refers to empathetic learning methods. They address a child’s emotional, social, and ethical needs. This also includes their academic education.

Teachers who are practiced at holistic education methods will use specific projects. They inspire students to use critical thinking skills. Students will also learn about how their actions have an effect on their community.

Overall, holistic education focuses on the interconnectedness of learning. Teachers want to give their students a richer life by gifting them with confidence, independence, curiosity, and more. Schools such as the Institut Auf Dem Rosenberg pride themselves on creating richer experiences for students. 

What Are the Benefits of Holistic Education? 

Now that you know more about the holistic approach of education, what are some of the main benefits? You know that living a successful life is more than the knowledge you’re able to memorize and apply.

Here are a few reasons why more schools and students would benefit from this type of education:

Enhanced Emotional Well-Being

A multiyear study is finding that students within an IB program or taking AP classes experience far more stress than other students. Even worse, they often have no tactics or strategies to handle the stress.

The journey to achieve academic excellence and get into the top schools in America is a noble one. However, many parents wonder whether it’s worth it in the end. This is why holistic education is so important.

Students learn important core academics. They also discover ways to navigate real-world stresses that can last them a lifetime.

Stronger Relationships and Community

Holistic education can also help create stronger relationships within the community. This is important because it helps students foster stronger self-identities.

Education facilities need to be accepting of their language, race, ethnicity, gender, and more. This is done by educating smaller groups of students so that each one gets personalized attention from the instructor. 

Instructors also build trust with students by keeping consistent rules and expectations in place. They also use positive affirmations, constructive feedback, and show confidence in their students. 


Self-motivation is one of the most valuable gifts you can give a student. This is because even when they’re not in the classroom, they can apply the things they learned to their daily lives. They’ll also be able to continue their education in their own way even with they’re out of college. 

Teachers experienced with holistic education use a variety of techniques. These techniques help encourage self-motivation, such as: 

  • Creating meaningful work that utilizes students’ past knowledge and experiences
  • Encouraging students to ask questions
  • Fostering teamwork and collaboration 
  • Designing instructional conversations that allow students to discuss what they’ve learned

You can see how each of these activities encourages students to speak up and think for themselves. This is regardless of the assignment or project that they’re working on.

Enhanced Academic Progress

One thing to keep in mind is that a holistic education doesn’t take away from your child’s academic progress. These kinds of supportive environments can help enhance a student’s progress. Traditional education environments focus solely on academics and test scores.  

This can be done through education on intrapersonal “soft” skills. Students have an easier time collaborating with one another, resolving conflicts, and making better decisions.

Social-emotional learning is also interspersed throughout students’ curriculums. For instance, they can use empathy in English language classes and even history classes. This helps them understand the past from different perspectives.

Students also develop more responsible behavior as they learn strong collaboration skills. They practice the ability to speak up for themselves and defend their ideas, and also when to have personal control. 

Physical Well-Being

Last but not least, a holistic approach to education also values students’ physical well-being. Teachers understand that a student’s health affects their ability to learn. It also improves their focus and engagement with their education.

For this reason, there’s a much larger focus on healthy diets. Students also have access to the outdoors throughout the day. 

Teachers may also opt to teach students about the effects nutrients have on the human body. You’ll find that most schools that focus on holistic education will also provide their students with a healthy lunch.  

Improving Life With Holistic Education

More educators are finding that strictly teaching students academics isn’t enough anymore. Research finds that students retain more information when they feel supported. They also need to be nurtured by their educational environments.

This is accomplished by encouraging students to learn intrapersonal skills. Students can then collaborate more effectively with their peers.

They’re also encouraged to be independent and engage with their learning. This is done through assignments that are more geared towards their knowledge of the subject.