The One and Only Security Camera System Placement Guide


Did you know that a business with surveillance cameras installed on its property can expect a decrease in theft?

This is one of the many benefits a company can expect from using security systems. This helps deter and stop unwanted intruders right away.

With the right security camera system placement, your business can expect a variety of benefits. The question is, how do you know where to place your cameras to ensure maximum effectiveness? We are here to help.

Keep reading as we go over the different placement tips for your cameras.

What is a Security Camera System?

A security camera system is a set of best security cameras and associated equipment connected to a central monitoring system. Security camera systems are used for a variety of purposes, including security, surveillance, and law enforcement.

There are top 3 business security systems available on the market today, such as CCTV Systems, IP Security Cameras, and Smart Cameras. So, it is important to choose the right one for your needs.

Exits and Entrances

If a camera is too close to an exit or entrance, it may be blocked by a door or other obstacles. Conversely, if a camera is too far away, it may not provide the coverage you need. The key is to find the right balance.

The best way to determine the ideal placement for your security cameras is to consult with a professional. They will assess your specific needs and recommend the best solution for your business.

Reception Area

Reception areas are essential for security footage, as this is where people enter and exit the building. You’ll want to make sure your cameras have a clear view of the entire space, as well as any doors or windows.

Another important area to focus on is an area where valuable items are kept. This could be an office or a safe. You’ll want to make sure your cameras can see these areas clearly.


Storerooms are often high-traffic areas where people are constantly coming and going. This makes them ideal for security cameras, as they can help to deter crime and catch suspects.

When placing cameras in storerooms, be sure to position them so that they have a clear view of all entrances and exits. You may also want to consider placing them near high-value items to deter theft.

Parking Lots

When choosing where to place your security cameras, you should first consider the layout of your parking lot. Place your cameras in areas with the best visibility, such as near entrances and exits, or in the middle of the parking lot.

You should also avoid placing cameras in areas where they may be nearby cars or other objects. Be sure to angle your cameras down slightly so that you can get a clear view of license plates.

Install Security Camera System Now

Overall, if you are looking for the one and only security camera system placement guide, then look no further. This guide will help you choose the perfect location for your security cameras.

With the help of this guide, you will find the perfect spot for your cameras and make sure that they are properly positioned. And don’t forget, always test your system before relying on it to keep your business safe.

Keep scrolling to learn about the types of cameras, more great business ownership tips, and advice on this blog.