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8 Tips to Choose the Best Outdoor Tiles

We all love outdoor spaces that are spacious, functional, attractive, and comfortable. But most importantly, the outdoor spaces must be durable to withstand extreme weather conditions and other factors. Outdoor tiles have a huge market place and there are many designs available to choose from. A classic choice like selecting a traditional concrete slab or brick patio is available in different patterns and designs.

It becomes very difficult to choose the right tile, especially the outdoor ones. Indoor tiles can be bought easily because we have the interior as a reference but for outdoor tiles, it’s a little tricky. Without knowledge and guidance, you might end up choosing something that might not work best for your outdoor space. So, you have to keep a lot of things in mind while selecting the outdoor tiles. Factors like the durability, the geographical condition you live in, the budget, knowing what you want and what you’re looking for, and the finish of the tile are important while buying outdoor tiles. One more important factor of how well does the outdoor space merge with the entire look of the house should be considered. In this post, we are going to brief you about 8 extremely brilliant tips to choose the best outdoor tiles.

Tips to Choose the Best Outdoor Tiles

Consider The Durability Of The Tiles:

The best and foremost important tip while choosing an outdoor tile is to consider its strength and durability. The strength and durability of the tile completely depend upon the quality tile. Many people miss on considering the strength and durability of the tile which becomes a major drawback after some time. Also, if the quality of the tile is not appropriate it will require a lot of maintenance now and then. Indoor tiles do not require attention as outdoor tiles do in terms of toughness and how prone they are to scratches, dents, and extreme weather conditions. Therefore, it is very important to choose a tile that is strong and durable.

Be Mindful About The Texture Of The Tile:

Safety has to be your priority while choosing outdoor tiles. Considering this you must not ignore the texture of the tile. It must be slip-resistant and strong to be able to bear different temperatures. In a country like India where the rainy season lasts for about 4 months every year, outdoor tiles get exposed to a lot of moisture. This can lead to accidents and serious injuries. So, one must prefer an outdoor tile that is slip-resistant or textured to avoid any accidents.

Know What You’re Looking For:

The style that comes with safety and comfort feels like a blessing. The exterior of the house can either make or break the look of your house. It makes the first impression because that is going to be the first thing someone will notice. So, it should be something that complements the overall look of your house. These tiles should be incorporated in a way that it blends with the overall theme of the house; in a sense, they shouldn’t look separate. You should focus on the material, style, design, and colors of the outdoor tiles.

Set Your Budget:

Set your budget so that you do not end up burning a hole in your pocket. You must not use all the fortune on the outdoor area and should save up for the interior. Set your budget and try to set your requirements within that. If your budget is exceeding, try to select something that fits your budget. This does not mean that you settle for something of lower quality just because it’s less pricy. Select something good that fits your budget.

Check Whether The Tiles Are Resistant To Extreme Weather Conditions:

Select a tile that is resistant to extreme weather conditions. India reaches 50 degrees in the summer and 1-2 degrees in the winter. It also receives excessive rainfall. Thus, selecting a tile that is resistant to extreme weather conditions is your best bet. Consider your geographical location and select the outdoor tile accordingly.

Is The Tile Suitable For Outdoor Area?

Be mindful while choosing the outdoor tiles and know where you’re going to use them. Keep in mind the elements that it is going to bear because all tiles do not have the same quality. Some tiles are sturdier and whereas some are highly resistant to water. There are different tiles for different outdoor areas like pool area, parking area, balcony, veranda, etc.

AGL offers a variety of outdoor tiles that you can choose from.

Choose The Right Finish:

A textured finish is your best bet as the outdoor tile. Let us discuss some commonly used outdoor tiles.

AGL offers wood look tiles which are porcelain or ceramic tiles but with a wood-like finish. In fact, these tiles look like natural wood so no one can actually tell that they aren’t. With the developments in technology and production techniques, these tiles are made with such accuracy that they look like hand-scraped wooden plank. These tiles are usually durable and strong, and they can withstand extreme weather conditions.

These tiles are known for their low porosity. These are often used as outdoor tiles as they are frost-resistant and water-resistant as well.

  • Ceramic Tiles:

They are usually thin tiles made from hard-wearing materials such as ceramic, stone, baked clay, metal, and glass. Ceramic and Porcelain tiles can be used as outdoor tiles as they are hard and reasonably durable. These tiles can be used for surfaces like decks and patios.

  1. Concrete Tiles For Outdoor Area:

These Tiles are a popular choice among people today as this is a natural stone but cheaper than most other natural stones. These tiles have set a benchmark in the marketplace and are available in a lot of colors and textures. One such commonly used concrete tile for the outdoor area is porcelain tile. Let’s understand what it is.

  • Porcelain Tiles

Porcelain is a ceramic tile that is more dense and strong. It is used for outdoor areas like the patio. These tiles have a huge marketplace too and are available in a lot of colors, styles, patterns, designs, and shapes. Since these types of tiles are to be used as outdoor tiles, make sure they have a matte finish and are textured to avoid any accidents or injuries. Not all porcelain tiles are used as floor tiles so one must ensure that they are sturdy and thick enough to be used as a floor tile.

If you’re revamping your house or even constructing it from the beginning, if you keep these points in your head, its going to make your work a lot easier.

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