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Home Technology Giving Hunchback of Notre-Dame Vibes? Standing Desk Benefits Everyone Needs to Know

Giving Hunchback of Notre-Dame Vibes? Standing Desk Benefits Everyone Needs to Know

There is a link between sitting for long periods of time and various health concerns, as backed up by scientific research. These include obesity, increased blood pressure, excess body fat around the waist, high blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol levels. Sitting for prolonged periods also increases the risk of death from cancer from cardiovascular disease.

If you are concerned about the health risks of sitting too much or are experiencing posture-related issues that make you resemble the Hunchback of Notre Dame, then this blog post is for you. Here, we will highlight the many standing desk benefits and why you should make the switch to standing up while working.

A standing desk is simply a desk that allows a person to stand up comfortably while working. Many modern standing desks are adjustable, meaning that people can easily alternate between sitting and standing over the course of their work day. Let’s get started.

Lower Your Risk of Obesity

Taking in more calories than you burn results in weight gain, which can have serious health consequences. Standing at a standing desk will burn more calories than sitting.

One study has found that standing for an afternoon of work burns 170 more calories than sitting at a desk. Over the course of a week, standing in the afternoons instead of sitting can help you to burn around an extra 850 calories.

Reduce Back Pain

Back pain is a common complaint, especially among people who sit for prolonged periods as part of their work. Several studies have shown that people who stand at work instead of sitting report improvement in back pain. One such study reported that participants noted a 32% improvement in back pain after several weeks when using standing desks.

Many people crouch when they are sitting and that can have an adverse effect on posture. By standing up straight and tall, you can avoid the dreaded hunchback.

Boost Work Productivity

Using a standing desk is not only good for your physical health, but it can also make you more efficient and productive in your work. Standing desks do take getting used to but they can greatly improve your ability to power through your daily work tasks.

One study of office employees found that using a standing desk had no impact on typing errors or characters typed per minute. Given that standing can improve energy and mood, it stands to reason that a standing desk is more likely to improve productivity than reduce it.

Click here to see this highly recommended standing desk floor mat.

Standing Desk Benefits Everyone Needs to Know

The benefits of standing desks are many and they can have a major impact on your health and productivity. Make the switch today and see the health benefits of a standing desk for yourself!

Like this blog post on standing desk benefits? Be sure to check out our other informative articles on a wide range of interesting topics.

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