What Is a Keynote Speaker? How Do You Hire One?


A combination of influence and energy can ignite the motivation within us all. That’s exactly what is delivered when you hire a keynote speaker for your next event.

If you want someone that can pack an impactful punch and convey a message to multiple people, it’s only right you ask the question what is a keynote speaker? Knowing what a keynote speaker is will unlock the door to hiring a keynote speaker.

Are you ready for these keynote speaker tips? Read on now and get ready to find a speaker that will empower the audience at your next event.

What Is a Keynote Speaker?

A keynote speaker is a speaker designated as the primary for an event. While there might be others that speak the keynote is the person that holds the longest time slot and often will wrap up the event.

Keynote speakers are typically hired for events like:

  • Graduation ceremonies
  • Business summits
  • Conferences

If this were entertainment the keynote speaker would be the designated headliner and every other speaker would be an opening act. The keynote speaker is the person that will set the tone and bring energy to your event.

They are supposed to get the crowd excited about everything that’s to come during the event and motivate them to learn all that your event has to offer. You must hire the right keynote speaker because they can make or break an event.

The influence they have with their words can increase the chances of people returning for future event days and even will have them looking forward to the next event hosted by your brand.

Here are some things to look for when searching for a keynote speaker.

Are They a Dynamic Speaker?

As mentioned, business keynote speakers are responsible for igniting the internal fire that eventgoers have to continue consuming everything the event has to offer. If they aren’t a dynamic or engaging speaker, you’re going to lose your audience which means your event would fall flat.

Ensure the keynote speaker you hire has a present when they’re speaking and can speak at a decent pace. They should have the ability to connect with the audience at an expert level.

History of Successful Public Speaking

The keynote speaker should have a proven track record of headlining events and being successful in their speaking efforts. While you’re reviewing the engagements, they’ve spoken at in the past don’t forget to review their personal references.

These references should be people they’ve worked with who have examples of the speech they gave for you to review.

Proven Time Management Skills

Keynote speakers are often hired by the event planners and therefore are given instructions for their speaking time. Typically, these instructions will outline the amount of time they have to speak.

The keynote speaker you hire should be able to work within these guidelines and adhere to the overall event schedule. As you dive into their history of public speaking if there is evidence the speaker doesn’t show regard for event rules or goes off-script it’s best not to risk inviting them to speak at your event.

Keynote Speakers: Unlocking the Magic of Your Event

We took the time to answer the question of what is a keynote speaker and gave you some keynote speaker tips to find the right one for your event. We hope you found what you needed in our keynote speaker guide and want to check out more.

There are some helpful blog posts right here for you to checkout.