Tips for Relieving Severe Back Pain

Beautiful young woman suffering from backache at home

Did you know that more than 15 million adults in the United States suffer from chronic back pain?

Lower back pain can quickly impact a person’s quality of life. It can hinder their ability to stay healthy, both mentally and physically.

If you need to learn how to get rid of back pain, there are a few options to consider.

Keep reading to learn about some of the best tips for reducing severe back pain so that you can live life again!

Apply Ice & Heat

One of the best ways to manage severe back pain is with ice and heating pads.

You can apply ice to the sore areas for 20 minutes at a time, for a few days. It’s best to wrap the ice pack in a cloth to prevent hurting your skin. After a few days of applying ice to reduce the swelling, you will want to apply heat.

Heating pads and heatable stuffed animals are great for relaxing muscles and nerves. Another reason you want to apply heat to the injured areas is that it will increase blood flow.

Get Support

Many causes of back pain come from injuries or trauma, and sometimes support is necessary.

If you don’t want to use a wheelchair or scooter, your next best option is a cane. Canes are wonderful resources that provide support and are easy to carry around. You can find a walking cane that suits your personality and bring it with you wherever you go.

Whatever type of support you choose, make sure that you are properly using them to avoid further injuries.

Sleep With a Pillow

A lot of women use body pillows while they’re pregnant because they help relieve back pain.

If you want to learn how to relieve lower back pain while sleeping, you should take notes from these women. Placing a pillow between your legs while sleeping on your side can help relieve pain and keep your spine straight.

You can also place a small pillow underneath your knees if you lay on your back. The placement of the pillows will reduce the strain on your neck and back.


You might be noticing more states legalizing the use of cannabis products.

Whether your state permits the use of marijuana or not, you can still try CBD. Cannabidiol comes from the cannabis plant and has all the benefits such as reducing inflammation and relieving pain.

Depending on your preferences, you can consume CBD with edibles, vapes, or beverages. The best way to relieve back pain, however, is with a cooling stick that resembles IcyHot but includes CBD.

Don’t Let Severe Back Pain Hold You Back

Severe back pain is a serious condition that people tend to overlook.

Many find themselves isolated to a room or sitting on the couch all day because it hurts to move. Although your pain might not have a cure, there are plenty of solutions to make you more comfortable.

With the help of these tips, you can get back on your feet and enjoy life with less pain.

Be sure to read our blog for more information about staying healthy and reducing back pain!