How to Style a Bold Wristwatch


Studies show that wearing a bold wristwatch can help to boost conscientiousness, emotional stability, and organization. They also are a classic symbol of good taste, professionalism, and control.

To wear a men’s wristwatch the right way and boost your confidence, it’s important that you know how to show it off to its best advantage. Read on to learn some basic watch styling tips that every gentleman needs to know.

Consider Your Face Shape

Many men don’t think about their face shape when selecting a bold watch, but that’s a rookie mistake. If you have a sharp jawline and wear a square watch, it’s going to make you look extremely sharp and intimidating. On the flip side, if you have a rounder face and wear a round watch, you’ll dull out all your edges.

Get a watch that balances out the shape of your face. A man with a square jawline and a round watch will look elegant, sophisticated, and masculine. If you want to bring out your jawline even more and show sharper angles in a rounder face, you’re going to want a square or triangular men’s watch.

Know the Occasion

Before making any decisions, ask yourself: where do you most often plan to wear your watch?

Cheap watches look okay in casual settings as long as it’s bold and makes a statement. You can find discounted prices online and buy used timepieces for less. Assuming that you aren’t trying to showcase wealth via a brand name, you can look classy even without a luxury brand.

If you wear your watch in professional or formal settings, you may want to splurge for something more luxurious. This will show people that you’re someone to be taken seriously.

Match Your Metals

As a gentleman, you’re likely to wear multiple metal accessories each day. Belt buckles are commonly overlooked, as are tie pins. If you’re going somewhere more formal, you may also have cufflinks to contend with.

Make sure that you get a watch that matches any other metal accessories that you’re gung-ho about. You don’t want to mix, match, and ultimately clash.

Watch batteries wholesale purchases can help you to keep your timepiece functional as well as aesthetically pleasing. This means that you can keep wearing any watch with your other accessories in the long-term.

Choose the Right Shirt

Most shirts are capable of showing off a wristwatch to its best advantage. Still, it’s best to get something that actually makes it as visible as possible.

Short-sleeved shirts are great for casual settings. Your watch will stand out starkly on your arm and draw people’s eye. This will make for the boldest statement possible.

If you’re in a professional setting, this isn’t always possible. Position your watch in alignment with the sleeves on your suit jacket. Make sure that an undershirt doesn’t cover it.

Beyond the Basics of Wristwatch Styling

Now that you know some of the bravest and boldest ways to show off your wristwatch, it’s time to get more fashion tips for 2022. Check out the “lifestyle” tab on our home page for more information about looking and feeling confident each day. You also may be interested in the “technology” section if you want to learn more about watches and other tech-savvy accessories.