How to Care for Carnations


Carnations have been around for hundreds of years. Everyone, including the aristocrats, adores it.

Thanks to the current gardening trend and flower arranging popularity, carnations are back in style.

For an exciting guide on carnation care, keep reading!

What Are Carnations?

Carnation flowers, with the scientific name Dianthus caryophyllusare, are one of the most popular flowers in the world. Dianthus which means “Flower of Gods,” “comes in a wide range of colors, including pink, red, white, and yellow. Despite their popularity, carnations are pretty easy to care for.

The Basics of Caring for Carnations

To care for carnations, first, identify the type of carnation. There are two types of carnation flowers: regular and mini.

Regular carnations are larger and have a longer life, while mini carnations are more miniature and have a shorter life. Once you have identified the type of carnation, choose a vase that is appropriate for the size of the carnation.

Make sure to give them plenty of water. Carnations are pretty thirsty flowers, keep an eye on the water level and top up as needed. Place the carnations in a vase of cool water and change the water every few days. By cutting the carnation stems at an angle, it can easily absorb water.

Carnations like to be in a bright spot but away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Find a nice sunny spot for them to sit in.

Lastly, carnations don’t like to be too hot or too cold. Try to keep them in a comfortable spot away from extreme temperatures.

With a bit of care, your carnations should stay looking fresh and beautiful for weeks. According to an article about carnation flowers, they can stay fresh for up to 14 days.

Excited to own your first carnation flowers? Options are linked here.

Fertilizing Carnations for Bigger Blooms

To ensure your carnations remain healthy and produce big, beautiful blooms, fertilize them every 2 weeks with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.

Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how much to apply the fertilizer. In general, it’s better to apply too little rather than too much. Too much fertilizer can damage the roots and cause the flowers to wilt.

Where To Buy Carnations?

They come in many colors and are very affordable. You can find carnations at your local grocery store, florist, or online. When purchasing carnations, make sure to look for flowers that are healthy and have fresh, green stems.- Avoid carnation flowers with wilted or yellowed leaves.

If You Love Floral Arrangements, Add Carnation To Your Home

Carnations are one of the most popular blooms and are known for their long-lasting blooms. Here are instructions on how to care for your carnations to extend their life. With simple care, your carnations will continue to bloom all season long!

There are many kinds of carnations, and their unique colors make them lovely to look at. If you just brought home some carnations and want to know how to care for them, visit our website for more tips.