7 Store Design Trends Your Business Should Try


Around 80% of Americans shop online, according to a Pew Research Center article! That leaves little in the way for physical stores to sell things. Of course, many of those online shoppers may shop at stores too, but still, the numbers are alarming!

So more than ever, your store design needs to be at the top of its game for you to tempt shoppers into purchasing your products. But how do you create eye-catching and alluring layouts that do more than attract a momentary glance?

Well, in this quick guide we’ll look at seven store design trends that are working well for other stores. We recommend you try them!

1. Flexible Design

Instead of making solid changes to your store’s design, you should make your design changes easy to change at a moment’s notice.

Demand for products changing rapidly as people love to buy into new fads and trends. Allow your store to follow the changing demands, rather than rigidly falling by the wayside.

2. Health Concerns

Since the pandemic, there are many shoppers wary to leave their homes and enter a store like they used to. To make such people feel at ease, make sure to have social distancing allowances in your store layout for those who want it.

We’re not saying enforce social distancing. But, instead, try to make provisions available for people who want to minimize interaction with others.

3. Ventilation

Another post-pandemic concern people might have is how well ventilated your store might be. So get the right professionals in to make your ventilation excellent if you can.

Then, once you have fantastic ventilation in place, you can advertise it as an advantage of shopping at your store.

4. Consumer Technology

Technology is moving forward at a great pace when it comes to shopping in stores. There are now concepts where shoppers don’t have to interact with checkouts at all.

For instance, some stores are now testing out having no checkouts at all! Instead, they are using technology to receive payments in new ways.

5. Upscale Your Products

When it comes to c store design, many stores are now looking to upscale their products to attract the ever-growing number of well-informed shoppers.

We’re talking about shoppers that are becoming pickier about the sourcing of the products they buy. To appeal to this type of shopper, make designs clearly state what they want to see.

6. Curbside Pickups

Consider redesigning your store to allow for curbside pickups. Another term for this process is “click and collect.”

You can let people order products from you online. Then they come and collect their items when they’re ready outside your store.

7. Allow People To Interact

A major plus point for physical stores is that customers can see products in the flesh. Online shops can’t give them this service.

So ensure you allow people to interact with your products. Just try to make it safe in some ways too for people with health concerns.

Get Your Store Design in Order

There are now plenty of innovative ways you can make your store design appeal. Embrace technology and educated shoppers on their needs. Also, get your store’s health policies in order and reflect that in the design.

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