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Home Technology 3 Off-Page SEO Factors That Will Boost Your Ranking

3 Off-Page SEO Factors That Will Boost Your Ranking

Did you know that SEO is the best way to drive traffic to your website? There are many techniques you can use to get started, but have you thought of off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO is a term used for any SEO marketing outside your website. This article will discuss some of the best off-page SEO techniques known in the industry.

Ready to boost your ranking? Keep reading!

1. Link Building

Backlinks are arguably the most important item in SEO. In fact, they are the backbone of Google’s SEO algorithm.

Since Google, and other search engines, rank the authority of a website by how often other pages link to them, it goes without saying that link building is of the utmost importance.

So how do you get other businesses to link back to your website?

One of the best ways to backlink is by creating guest posts written for other websites. For example, you can search your niche and add “write for us” to find a publisher that will accept your posts.

Within that post, link to your site with a relevant page.

2. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is also one of the best off-page strategies for your brand. Nearly 80% of American use social media, so it is an excellent way to build your brand and become recognizable by your target audience.

A common term for this type of marketing is creating social signals. These signals can include people mentioning your brand, hashtags, shares, and likes.

Increasing these signals can improve the traffic to your social media page. As a result, you can redirect them to your website and the services or products you provide.

3. Local SEO

Finally, focus on local SEO. This is another popular form of off-page SEO, although it does include some on-page SEO as well.

Even with the new ways of marketing, word of mouth is still one of the most effective trust-building strategies. While you cannot directly control who refers who, you can create incentives with affiliation, referral, and loyalty programs.

In relation to word of mouth, customer reviews can boost your ranking, traffic, and sales. There are plenty of specifically review-based platforms, but even reviews on Google, Amazon, and other services your company uses will improve your ranking.

Finally, we have press releases and local news. These outlets can inform the public about any new and exciting events your company has.

Are you releasing a new product? Creating a charity event? Let your local audience know what is happening and how they can get involved.

Off-Page SEO: Start Today

SEO is a crucial component to the health of your website and overall business. However, on-page SEO will no longer do the trick; we need to reach out, make connections, and impact our audiences in creative and innovative ways.

Off-page SEO will do all of that for you and your company.

Are you looking for more tips on SEO? Please keep browsing our blog!

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