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Home Lifestyle Type of Hair & How to take care for good growth?

Type of Hair & How to take care for good growth?

When choosing how to take care of your hair, it is important to know what your type is and what the experts recommend in each case. The treatment you use will be more effective if you use the right products for their characteristics and needs. With this simple guide, you will be able to distinguish the different types of hair and understand how to care for it to keep it soft and shiny.

What are the hair types

The more technical classifications can be complex, but we leave it to the stylists. In this case, since our objective is to detect the type of hair to select the best treatment, it is enough to understand that the distinctions have to do with three factors:

  • Sebum production.
  • Structure.
  • Resistance.

The sebaceous glands are the ones that generate the sebum, which has the function of lubricating, hydrating and protecting the skin. In the scalp, the glands are larger and more numerous than in the rest of the body. Depending on the amount of sebum that the person produces, we can distinguish four types of hair: normal, oily, dry or mixed. Check this Patches 

When we talk about the shape of the hair, we are referring to the structure of the hair follicle. If that tube is round, the person will have straight hair . On the other hand, if the follicle is elliptical, flattened or asymmetrical, it will define wavy or curly hair .

At this point, keratin also plays its role. This fibrous protein is made up of amino acid bonds that create a resistant chain. If these bridges are organized in a straight way, the hair will be smoother; If the connection is diagonal or without a defined pattern, it will look more curly hair.

Finally, depending on the resistance, the hair can be thin or thick and this will depend on the greater or lesser presence of keratin. Fine hair is approximately 50% less protein than thick hair.

Treatments for each type of hair

Untamed curlers, split ends and locks of oily hair will no longer be a problem if you learn some tricks. Once you are clear about your hair type, you will be able to choose the correct procedures and products to improve its appearance, shape and resistance.

Normal hair

A balanced tallow production offers shiny hair, easy to comb and without flower tips. It is a type of hair that can be “ideal” because of its characteristics, since it does not present too many demands or difficulties when it comes to fixing it.

However, to keep it healthy and bright, it is good that we take special care of it. The recommendations to preserve the beauty of your normal hair are:

  • Wash your hair daily with specific shampoo for normal hair.
  • Use a conditioner on the tips to avoid damaging it when detangling.
  • Perform homemade cream baths once a week or every 15 days.
  • Cut the ends once every 2-3 months maximum.

Greasy hair

The reason that makes a hair look greasy is the excessive work of the sebaceous glands. As we said before, the production of sebum lubricates our scalp. If these glands synthesize more than necessary, a lot of greasiness is generated and this causes the hair to tend to stick and form separate strands from each other. Also, it makes it look much more opaque than desired.

Using shampoo for oily hair will help to counteract that abundant secretion and achieve a more malleable and shiny hair. Also, it will be important that you wash your head every day if you see it necessary. The ideal is to do it in the morning since the glands are more active at night.

There are many hair products to improve balance in sebum secretion. For example, those based on nettle, rosemary or chamomile help regulate the production of hair fat. It is always better to avoid very creamy, oily products or silicones.

Another good remedy is to apply a clay mask: with damp hair, use a brush to spread the clay on the scalp. Let it work for 15-20 minutes and rinse with plenty of water at room temperature. When you finish, use the towel to remove moisture and blow- dry, avoiding the iron this time. The mask will take care of absorbing the excess fat from your hair.

Dry hair

In this type of hair, sebum production is minimal. Consequently, we find brittle, dull hair with split ends.

The solution to the problems that dry hair brings comes from the hand of a better nutrition for the hair . To achieve this, you will have to adopt a daily treatment routine that helps you restore elasticity and strength to your hair follicles.

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