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Home Technology 4 Benefits of a 3D Scanner for Your Business

4 Benefits of a 3D Scanner for Your Business

3D printing has hit the mainstream, with the likes of Staples, Best Buy, and Amazon now selling them to the public.

Now more affordable than ever, you might consider buying a 3D printer or 3D scanner for your business. But what are the benefits?

A 3D scanner allows you to build prototypes in-house and make product development faster. You’ll save money by not having to outsource scanning needs, and you also make redesign easier.

For more on these top 4 benefits of using a 3D scanner, keep reading.

1. Build Prototypes with Your 3D Scanner

If you need investment to build your products, you need a prototype. Nobody is going to invest in a product that they can’t see and feel for themselves.

Outsourcing the build of your prototypes means you don’t have control over the timelines. And the longer you have to wait for a prototype, the longer you have to wait for investment.

With your own 3D scanner, you’re in complete control over how long it takes to build your prototypes. You don’t have to wait in any lines, and you don’t have to pay someone else to do it, either. You pay the one-time cost of the printer for all of that control.

2. 3D Scanners Get Everyone on Board

When you’re creating new products and solutions, you have to have really excellent communication skills. Your ability to describe ensures that everyone can see the image that you have in mind.

With 3D Scanning, you can bring your ideas to life. You give everyone something concrete to look at, to clear up any details. This makes for faster decision-making and better resource allocation.

3. Save Money Using a 3D Scanner

Having a 3D scanner means you don’t have to go outside the company to build prototypes, saving you money. But another more significant way that a 3D scanner saves money is by lowering the number of design cycles.

When you have to make fewer prototypes, you lower the cost of production in general. That allows you to produce more and free up space in your budget. With more room in the budget, you can re-invest that money back into the company.

4. Make Redesign Faster with 3D Scanners

A redesign is an inevitable part of any design process. With a 3D scanner, you have more control over redesigns.

There’s no need to return to the company building your prototypes. There’s no need to wait for someone else to show how the redesign will function in real life. As soon as you’re aware of the need to redesign, you can have it done in-house and continue with the development.

More of the Best Business Tips

A 3D scanner can benefit your business in several ways. It allows you to build prototypes in-house, which in turn can save you money. It helps make the development process faster, and whenever you need a redesign, you have complete control.

But there’s, even more, you can do to improve your business. For all of those tips and more, check out our Business section.

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