How To Prevent Yellowing Of Ceramic Plates?

Is your dinner set no longer complimenting the fantastic food you serve? If you are fed up with the yellow staining, this article is here to rescue you. A little care and maintenance go a long way, and so is the case with your ceramic plates.

Even though you try your best to preserve your favourite crockery set, it will turn pale with time. Well, not anymore! This article will discuss some tips about maintaining the original vibrance of your ceramic ware.

Why are my ceramic plates staining?

The only reason behind the staining of your ceramic ware is the lack of maintenance. Now, when it comes to maintenance, you only need to be extra careful about washing the leftover food and sauce.

Since every food contains a natural pigment that adds colour, the plates will likely retain the colour. As much as it might appear white in the beginning, the colour may turn pale in the long run. Hence, it is essential to know the techniques to get rid of these stains when your crockery set is a possession for you.

Another reason your ceramic plates catch stains is using highly pigmented compounds in the food. These include beetroot, turmeric, coloured foods, and berries. To avoid staining, glassware is one of the most suitable options for you.

Considering all the possibilities, the next section of this article discusses some fantastic techniques to remove the stain from ceramic kitchenware.

Stain removal ideas for ceramic plates

If your crockery set has a beautiful desi, don’t let the natural food stain spoil it. While it might need some extra care, it will be worth it. Here are some basic techniques to avoid staining in ceramic kitchenware.

Hot water

Understandably, steam treatment or dishwasher may not be suitable for ceramic or melamine plates. However, lukewarm water treatment can certainly help you get rid of stubborn stains in the long run.

Lemon juice

This is one of the most effective detergents as lemon has essential oils that wash away the stains. Also, this is why many dishwashing liquids have lemon extracts. However, it would be unsuitable for applying lemon juice directly over the plates. Thus, mixing it with equal water will neutralise its acidity just enough to wash away the stains.

Baking soda

This could be a sure-shot solution to get rid of stains, provided your material can take the alkalinity of baking soda. While it may be useful for several cleaning purposes, it is not always helpful in preserving the dish’s texture.

It would be wise to use baking soda in limited amounts and do a patch test before applying it entirely over the plate.

Vinegar solution

Like lemon, vinegar also helps you get rid of stains on a solid surface. It is also a very beneficial cleaning agent but is not to be used directly over the surface. In many cases, vinegar can change the texture of the ceramic or marble due to its firm acidity. However, using it in a combination of water and dishwashing liquid will neutralise the acidity.

Wrapping up

Therefore, one primary reason behind the staining of ceramic plates is food residue. A little care and maintenance will prevent the surface from retaining stains and keep the kitchenware vibrant.

Another way to get rid of a stain is pre-soaking the dish instead of letting the stain dry. Also, a little bit of scrubbing helps in removing dried food residues.