It was a passable Monday for Phone Bhoot as the film just about managed to stay over the 1 crore mark. On Friday the film had collected 2.05 crores and for the weekdays to hold on well, it needed a head-start of at least 1.50 crores at the box office on Monday. That would have allowed some sort of sustenance in days to follow. However the collections are lesser than that which means one can expect further declines by the time Thursday arrives.
Phone Bhoot collected 1.34 crores on Monday and this is definitely not in line with the kind of merits that it carries. Yes, it’s not for everyone but at least for that target audience that it has been made, the footfalls should have been better. These should certainly have been more since the spoof comedy does have many hilarious moments that could have caught the fancy of the audiences. However somehow the word of mouth hasn’t spread out in a way it should have and that’s impacting the collections.
So far, Phone Bhoot starring Katrina Kaif, Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ishaan Khatter has collected 9.19 crores and now it would stay under the 15 crores mark at the box office by the time the first week is through. This one deserves better.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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