How To Sell Art Online and Make Money


Make art, not war. Wait, that probably didn’t come out right.

The point is that art can sell, turning you from a starving artist to a rich profiteer. But how do you sell art online?

There are more than a billion websites and billions more social media pages. Without a good marketing strategy, your art could get lost in the crowd.

But with a bit of smartness and savvy, it can be found by an audience that is willing to pay for your work. Here’s our guide on how to sell art online and make money.

Have a Great Website

To sell art online and make money, it is important to have a great website. A great website will help to showcase the artwork in the best possible light and will also make it easy for potential buyers to find the artwork they are interested in.

This will also provide a secure way for buyers to purchase the artwork and will also offer a money-back guarantee in case the buyer is not satisfied with the purchase.

Use Plenty of High-Quality Photos

When it comes to selling art online, high-quality photos are a must. People want to be able to see what they’re buying.

If the photos are of poor quality, they will reflect poorly on the artist. Make sure to take plenty of photos from different angles, in different lighting, and close-ups of any details.

Once you have a good selection of photos, edit them to make sure they’re the best they can be. Then you can start posting them on your website or online store to make art sales.

Use Social Media to Your Advantage

The best artist uses social media to their advantage to sell art online and make money.

By creating a strong online presence and building your followers on social media, you can reach a larger audience of potential buyers and sell your art more easily. Be sure to post regularly and promote your work regularly to attract customers.

You can also learn more insights on how you can turn your passion into a money-making business online so make sure to utilize your resources.

Know Your Prices and Shipping Options

Some artists may find the process of selling their artwork online a bit daunting but it can be a great way to make some extra money.

One of the most important things you need to do is to get an accurate idea of what your artwork is worth. Research comparable sales and prices from other artists to get a ballpark idea then set your prices accordingly.

Once you have your prices set, be sure to factor in shipping costs when listing your artwork for sale. Many buyers are willing to pay for shipping but it’s important to be upfront about these costs as well.

Learn How to Sell Art Online and Make Money Today

Many platforms and artist communities will teach you how to sell art online and make money. If you are serious about making a career out of art, start by building a strong online portfolio and presence.

Use social media, online art forums, and artist websites to market and sell your art. With a little effort and marketing know-how, you can make a living off of your art.

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