5 Must-Have Items for Your First Aid Station


Are you interested in learning how to develop your first aid skills?

First aid is a valuable skill to have. Any workplace or business must have a first aid kit for emergency situations.

Of course, you need the basic items to respond to medical situations. But if you want to learn how to handle emergencies in the workplace, then you’ll need more.

Here’s a guide on must-have items for your first aid station.

1. Bandaids

Bandaids are essential for treating cuts and scrapes. They can also protect wounds from further infection.

Bandaids come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so it is important to choose the right size and shape for the wound. If the wound is deep, it is important to use a bandaid that is big enough to cover the entire wound. If the wound is shallow, a small bandaid may be enough.

It is also important to choose a bandaid that will stay on the wound. Some bandaids are made with adhesive that is not waterproof. So it is important to choose a bandaid that will stay on in the event of sweating or water exposure.

2. Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is a powerful antiseptic. It can clean wounds and prevent infection. It can also sanitize surfaces.

You should always have a bottle of rubbing alcohol on hand in case of an emergency. Furthermore, rubbing alcohol is relatively inexpensive and easy to find.

3. Antibiotic Ointment

One of the must-have items for your first aid kit is an antibiotic ointment. This ointment can help prevent infection from burns or minor wounds.

It is important to apply the ointment to the wound as soon as possible after the injury occurs. Be sure to follow the directions on the package for how to apply the ointment.

4. Hydrocortisone Cream

It is also important to have a hydrocortisone cream for your first aid station. Hydrocortisone cream is a topical steroid.

It can treat a variety of skin conditions. These include eczema, psoriasis, and allergic reactions.

Hydrocortisone cream can also relieve pain and itching. It is also effective in treating minor cuts and scrapes. Hydrocortisone cream is available over the counter and does not need a prescription.

5. Instant Cold Packs

To maintain a first aid station with industrial supplies, you should have instant cold packs on hand. Instant cold packs are great for treating minor injuries and reducing swelling.

They are ideal for treating injuries such as sprains and bruises. They are also convenient and easy to use.

Stocking Your First Aid Station

If you don’t have these items in your first aid station, you’re not fully prepared for an emergency. Make sure to stock up on these must-have items, so you’re always prepared.

First aid stations, or health kits, are often all that separate you from a life-shattering incident. We have you covered from all angles. For more of the same excellent advice, check out the other articles on our blog.